Photo Prompt: 48 Hours to Spend 72 Million Dollars


I found this picture while scrolling my Facebook Newsfeed. It inspired me to write things down, you know, in case I ever win the lottery. So here it is, how I would spend 72.2 million dollars in 48 hours. With pictures!

The first thing on my list would be to find and buy myself a house. It would look a little something like this!


Of course, because my mother has helped me out so much in my life, she would get a house too.


I would buy a gym and update all of the equipment. I would offer rates for membership for about $15 a month. I would NOT charge people a fee to start a membership. I know how tough times can be.


Because I’m all about family, I would pay off my older brother’s house. Pay for the remainder of my little sister’s college. I would also probably buy my three older sisters each a house. Nothing huge and fancy, but at least something they can make their own.

I would donate 1-2 million dollars to each of my favorite animal shelters. I would also donate at least 2 million dollars for people who need assistance paying their bills.

I would buy a laundromat. My laundromat would be very different, though. My laundromat would be open on certain days for people receiving public assistance. They would be allowed to wash and dry their clothes for FREE. Did you know there is help out there for people with all of their bills, yet, nothing to help people keep their clothes clean.

I would buy myself, my husband, and my mother new cars.


I would buy a really large chunk of land and pay someone to build me the world’s biggest animal shelter. Every animal to enter the shelter would be spayed/neutered. They would receive the best medical care because I would pay 10 veterinarian’s salaries for 10 years.


I would spend a very large chunk of money on food for animals. I think twenty million dollars would cover enough for a few years.


I have quite a bit of debt so of course I would pay it off. Along with the bills of my husband and my mother.


I would put some away for college for my kids. I want them to have the best education possible. I would also start a fund for tuition for the little bits people can’t come up with in grants and loans. Everyone deserves a chance at a wonderful education.

character sitting on the top of book's heap

character sitting on the top of book’s heap

I would pay for an amazing fun filled vacation for everyone in my immediate family. We would have enough to buy souvenirs and splurge a bit.


I would buy all new furniture for my house, my mother’s house and anyone in my family who needed it. Anything of mine we didn’t bring with us would be donated to people in need. I would probably even fill a warehouse of furniture for people getting their first place to live. We would all get new dishes, electronics, and cupboards full of food.


I would pay to have clean water sent to third world countries.


I would donate to cancer research.


I would buy enough toys and electronics for kids going without all across the United States. Everyone deserves something nice.

My two current vehicles would be donated to someone in need.

I would pay bills ahead, and use the rest for families and animals in need.

How do you think I did? How would you do things differently?!